Улан-Удэ: Изд-во БНЦ СО РАН, 2003. – 124 c.
Книга посвящена истории и культуре древнего и средневекового населения Центральной Азии. На основе комплексного изучения источников показаны процессы сложения ранних монголов, проанализированы истоки формирования культуры. Большое внимание уделено вопросам этногенеза и культурогенеза бурятского народа. Работа написана в виде очерков об исследователях монгольской и бурятской культур.
Dashibalov B.B. The Sources: from the ancient Khori-Mongols to the Buryats. Sketches. – Ulan-Ude: Publishing house of BSC SB RAS, 2003. – 124 p.
The book is devoted to history and culture of the ancient and medieval population of Central Asia. On the base of complex studying of sources processes of forming of early Mongols are shown. The sources of culture developing are analyzed. Much attention is paid to questions of ethnic and culture genesis of the Buryats. The work is written in the form of sketches about researchers of Mongolian and Buryat cultures.