М.: Институт востоковедения РАН, 2013. – 156 с.
В сборник включены статьи, посвященные военным событиям, происходившим на Халхин-Голе в 1939 г. Исследователи из России, Монголии и Японии в своих статьях анализируют различные аспекты этого конфликта.
Khalkhin Gol: view on events from XXI century: collection of articles / ed. by E.V. Boikova. – M.: Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, 2013. – 156 p.
The events of Khalkhin-Gol are at distance of 75 years from our days. But nevertheless people still remember them. This collection contains articles of the researchers from Russia, Mongolia and Japan, dedicated to the Battle of Khalkhin Gol. These articles allow expanding notions of the readers of the situation in eastern Mongolia in 1939, to give an objective assessment of the events at Khalkhin Gol and their place not only in the history of Russia, Mongolia and Japan but also in world history.