Иркутск: Изд. дом БГУ, 2021. – 342 с.
Книга посвящена дипломатической и исследовательской деятельности генерального консула России в Монголии Якова Парфеньевича Шишмарева. В сборник включены публикации Я. П. Шишмарева и документы, описывающие его дипломатическую деятельность в период Амурской экспедиции.
Mongolia in the works of the Consul General of the Russian Empire in Urga Ya. P. Shishmarev. Some thoughts on Russia’s right to the Amur in documents and publications (to the 160th anniversary of the Consulate General of Russia in Mongolia) / Compiled by A.I. Shinkovoi, Yu.V. Kuzmin. – Irkutsk: Publishing house of BSU, 2021. – 342 p.
The book is devoted to the diplomatic and research activities of the Consul General of Russia in Mongolia Yakov Parfenievich Shishmarev. The edition includes publications by Ya. P. Shishmarev and documents describing his diplomatic activities during the Amur expedition.