Showa Womens University, Tokyo, Japan invites to take part in conference “Mongolian Social Linguistics Studies” on 19th May, 2019. Abstract deadline: 11th March 2019. All submitted abstracts will undergo a blind review. An abstract between 200-300 words, clearly summarizing the argument, should be submitted before the deadline.
Conference objectives:
– Mongolian language and norm;
– Mongolian language and policy;
– Mongolian language and teaching;
– Mongolian language and culture;
– Mongolian language and politics;
– Mongolian language and religious;
– Mongolian language and law.
All abstracts / proposals will be published online after the conference and uploaded on NAMS’s website and Facebook Group. Papers submitted and presented at the conference will be published in the journal of LSM as “Mongolian Linguistics”, immediately after the conference.
Organiser: Showa Womans University, Tokyo, Japan and Linguistic Society of Mongolia, OBS. Supporter: Mongolian University of Science and Technology and Mon Edu Press Publishing.
Contact: (Organiser in Ulaanbaatar): The National Academy of Mongolian Studies; Mongolian Youth Federation Building, #303. Telephone: 7709-9933, 8812-9000, 9910-5206. E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..